

Health & Wellness

Health & Wellness
  • Ongoing

Nupure faced the challenge of migrating to a new theme and boosting conversion rates. The tasks involved introducing a new theme with added functionalities and meeting the specific demands of a new geographic region. Leveraging Shopify Plus features, we sought to create a dynamic and user-friendly online store and tailor it for a new region, driving increased engagement and sales

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Enhancing site performance and brand representation

We upgraded the theme to Store 2.0, enhancing both performance and security while offering customers a seamless shopping experience. The theme was tailored to mirror their brand identity and highlight their scientific expertise, effectively showcasing their products. In line with the partner's preferences, we carefully chose and integrated applications for subscription management, online chat support, email marketing, review management, and a landing page builder, streamlining operations.

Expanding into a new market

As Nupure experienced a notable drop in sales within its existing market, it made the strategic decision to expand into new regions, beginning with one initially. To facilitate this expansion, we conducted a comparative analysis of two functionalities: Shopify Expansion and Shopify Markets. Following the analysis, we opted for the former, as it enables us to tailor the store for each new country they enter.

Improving operational efficiency

By integrating their ERP system with Shopify, operational efficiencies were realized. Automated inventory management significantly decreased manual workload, ultimately boosting overall efficiency. This integration streamlined processes and bolstered accuracy, empowering the client to promptly address market demands and uphold optimal inventory levels. With a more agile and responsive supply chain in operation, the client was better positioned to meet the evolving needs of their expanding customer base, fostering additional growth and profitability.

Streamlining website performance

Our focus on performance optimization aimed at refining processes to create an efficient and contemporary website. We employed best practices to reduce page load times, optimize images, and reduce unnecessary scripts. Through these efforts, we aimed to improve site speed and responsiveness, thereby enhancing user experience and elevating search engine rankings.

Goals and problems of the customer

The results we succeed



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